Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Here's OUR Heart Lord

Here's my heart, Lord. Our first day afield, sent us to Sisters of Charity, the home for sick and dying babies. We were blessed to hold and feed children who were left for care. The mothers were there in the morning when we arrived and were spending time with their kids. When the moms left, they left their children behind to the staff and us. It broke our hearts to have to see this, the kids just wanted to be held, of course by their moms, but were somewhat satisfied when we took over. Some of these children might not see the end of the week. I held one little girl who caught my eye, then I caught her's. She held on to me so tight and wouldn't let go. I like to think of myself as fairly strong but holding this 15 month old for almost an hour was wearing me out. I didn't tell you that she probably weighted less than 9 pounds. She was skinny and frail, could hardly hold her head up to look at me. When I put her down she wanted to hold my finger, her tiny hand could barely wrap around my finger, but she had a grip on here whenever I tried to leave. I want to tell you that she's coming home with me, but we all know better. Next stop La Phere Orphanage. We helped the kids make rubberband bracelets, I hear it's all the rage. The team gave the kids a coloring book, about Jesus, after that we sang a song and presented a story about how Jesus cleans us from our sins with His death and our faith and love for Him. We ended the day at Gertrude's Orphanage for the physically and mentally ill. These kids just wanted to be held, played with and LOVED. The Holy Spirit was with us today, His Power, Grace and Love were abound in all we did. Here's My Heart Lord!! Mike Lasher


  1. Happy to hear the Team arrived safely.
    Sounds like a busy day tending to ALL of those kiddos! Very overjoyed to hear of the love that the Team is spreading to all those babies and kids. Keep the updates coming!

  2. Very powerful! Keep up the great work!
