Monday, November 3, 2014

Haiti Healing

Dear Family and Friends, Healing Haiti mission trips do not just happen over night. They take great preparation, financial commitment, prayer, support, and a roller coaster of emotions. Each of us have a story behind why we are here. Someone, something has nudged us to take a step of Faith to go outside our boundaries to a country that has been plagued by destruction, poverty, violence and disease. Some say we are doing wonderful things here, some think we are crazy, but honestly, we are answering God's command. He says that “those who do not do for the least of these do not do for me.” God urges that because we have been blessed with talents, resources and abilities we are expected to use these blessings to help his people. This is why we are here.... During tonight's word of the day, one of our team members used “beginning” to describe his experience during day one. This trip is a beginning for many reasons. Its a start to new experiences and adventure for all of us. Its a beginning of new lasting relationships and unforgettable memories
. It is also the beginning of healing. We have been sent to serve and provide healing. But as one of our members explained... Haiti will end up healing us. How? I pray the Lord opens our hearts to that question.. but I believe that is why GOD sent us here... Scott

1 comment:

  1. I am praying for you all! May God bring you safety, vision and resoluteness this week. Thanks for the picture updates. Wishing you all a blessed week of adventure and wondrous transformation. Sue Hicks (Kelsey's mom)
